A perplexing question, why is the left defending Islamist’s, that by any definition are religious fascist with extreme views on homosexuality, women’s rights, and other related issues
I suspect the answer, lies in the fact that Islamist’s exhibit a pathological anti-Americanism and anti Israel worldview that is quite attractive to a certain type of anti-establishment progressive. your enemy is my enemy mentalitySimple Minds
JoinedPosts by Simple Minds
The Cult of Four "Just Imperfect" Men
by Farkel inthe cult of four "just imperfect" men.
(please move on to the next thread, fluffers.
move on!
Simple Minds
Great summery
you are able to take a lot of information that could be boring, but you made it interesting informative and funny, thanks
Warwick Photo Gallery 4 (May Through August 2015)
by wifibandit infull set: http://imgur.com/a/djhfe.
Simple Minds
Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens, birds have nests and the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses have a massive resort at Warwick, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." -
First Entry for Jehovah's Witnesses on Google
by compound complex inhttp://whyimcatholic.com/index.php/conversion-stories/jehovah-witness-converts/125-jehovahs-witness-convert-lou-everett.
this story of a jehovah's witness who became catholic is at the top of the heap.
i was angered at what happened when he opened up and poured out his heart to a "caring" brother.. cc.
Simple Minds
I was raised a catholic, went to a catholic school it was a very unpleasant experience
my parents worked hard and gave everything for the catholic church all there lives, but when they got too old to be of any use the church abandoned them.
whether it is the Catholics or Jehovah wittiness my experience in life has shown me that religious organizations, use and abuse people and when they are of no use to then treat them like crap
After 17 years, I went to a KH....really shocked!!
by Prometheus inafter severe pressure from my family, i have decided to attend to the nearest kh.
and a little history regarding my self: i became inactive and lost completely contact of the wt changes and "new light" 17 years ago.. everything seemed so odd and strange during the meeting.
latest technology, animated movies, watchtower web tv, a website that you can download everything, including km and wt study articles.
Simple Minds
all the new shiny thing are just to pacify the restless rank and file who are starting to wake up
ha ha, it must sound funny saying that to someone who has been out for seventeen years, it is me who is just waking up
How this Jehovah’s Witness feels about the Australian Royal Commission
by Simple Minds ini know the arc is old news i know i am preaching to the converted but i had to express how i feel because most of my jw friends and family dont want to hear .
so this is how i feel.
i have faithfully served as a jehovahs witness for over 25 years..
Simple Minds
yes 99% of family and friends are JW
i am physically in but mentally out
i suppose until you disassociate or are DF you are still a Jehovah wittiness?
my life is in transition i am trying to workout what i need to do to get my life back
Un shunning
by zeb inwith change looming large on the horizon what will those people do who make a wt/career of shunning should it become just a 'conscience issue'.
Simple Minds
hopefully they can learn to treat all people with dignity
everyone should be allowed to express there thoughts and feelings with out fear.
How this Jehovah’s Witness feels about the Australian Royal Commission
by Simple Minds ini know the arc is old news i know i am preaching to the converted but i had to express how i feel because most of my jw friends and family dont want to hear .
so this is how i feel.
i have faithfully served as a jehovahs witness for over 25 years..
Simple Minds
I am not remaining silent
but i am learning that if i go in all guns blazing they just shut down
I tried talking to a friend and he tried to say leave it in Jehovah hands so i screamed "don't you care about the abuse victims" he said you sound like an apostate, so i said "since when has caring about child abuse victims been apostasy? they left soon afterwords
so i am learning to say little bits at a time rather than screaming at them.
How this Jehovah’s Witness feels about the Australian Royal Commission
by Simple Minds ini know the arc is old news i know i am preaching to the converted but i had to express how i feel because most of my jw friends and family dont want to hear .
so this is how i feel.
i have faithfully served as a jehovahs witness for over 25 years..
Simple Minds
Girl next door
I loved that you quoted Martin Luther King he has always been someone I have looked up to -
Dis-association Vs Inactivity
by Listener inis it just me or is this just really bad double talk?.
9.372 moreover, the suggested finding has no connection with preventing or responding to child sexual abuse and, furthermore, appears not to appreciate the difference between disassociation and inactivity.
as was explained, if someone decides to no longer associate with jehovahs witnesses that is a personal decision and no disciplinary action is taken against that person.
Simple Minds
what the org says publicly and what happens in reality are two completely different things
if you are inactive most will ignore you but they will talk behind your back about how spiritually weak you are and that you secretly must be doing something wrong, it is all about control and them feeling superior to boost there own egos
but not me i have decided not to worry about there judgments